Chairman of the Montreux Healthcare Advisory Board (MHAB), Prof. Barry Carpenter has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Oxford Brookes University to recognise his 40-year commitment to education for children with special needs.

The doctorate recognises Prof. Carpenter’s pioneering work in the field which has contributed significantly to the advancement of special education across the UK and the world, improving educational attainment for some of the most vulnerable children in society.

On his award, Prof. Carpenter stated: “I am profoundly moved that the University has chosen to acknowledge this lifelong association, and the impact of the career they prepared me for.”

Oliver Harris, CEO, Montreux Capital Management (UK) stated: “We have been working with Prof. Carpenter for a while now and have always been struck by the awards he has amassed over the years. They recognise an invaluable contribution to his field, and we are extremely grateful for his advice and collaboration over the years.”

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